Children’s Play Therapy is a method of meeting and responding to the mental health needs of children and is extensively acknowledged by professionals as an effective and fitting intervention in dealing with children.  It is generally engaged with children aged 3 years through 11 and provides a way for them to express their experiences and feelings through a natural, self-guided, self-healing process. As children encounter their environment, they are exposed to the concept of good and bad.  Their schema are formulating in which play therapy can empower the child to directly communicate with the expert at hand. Experiences and understanding are often communicated through play. It becomes an important vehicle for them to know and accept themselves.

When working with adolescents as well as children, it is extremely important to offer directive listening responses. This allows for the client to have total autonomy within the session. It also requires effective use of directives that makes the individual feel safe. The effective use of directives requires interpersonal and clinical sensitivity. If a client is depressed, they frequently experience a wide range of negative cognition. As a Psychotherapist this would be my gateway into the individual’s beliefs about their beliefs regarding any situation that they are currently living in or has encountered in the past. So, it will be important to focus on a level of trust with the client. Here, we will provide support and empathy to encourage the client to feel safe in expressing their anxiety or depression.